What Good Is Love If....


  • Emotional

    What Good Is Love If....

    What Good Is Love If It Only Breaks Your Heart?
    Love that Wounds you and Tears You Apart!
    Love that Wears Down All Your Defences, and Wrenches your Soul,
    Leaves you Defenceless and Out Of Control!
    Love from which you just can't stop Crying, but not from a Loved One-
    that has Passed or is Dying. Love you Trusted In and Opened up your
    Heart To, and Gave of Yourself Freely- making It True, Not Needy.
    Love that makes you wanna Stay, while thinking,"It Ain't Gonna Work" But You Continue in the Pain and the Hurt, Anyway!
    Love that keeps making You Wait, builds up Resentment -
    you can't Escape and sooner or later turns in to Hate. But eventually-
    It Ends, and They're Gone, Leaving you with No Friends and All Alone.
    Love that makes your Mind Hazy, sometimes Drives You Crazy! and
    Ruins You Beyond Repair- making you Not Want To Care- Anymore.
    Love that's No Longer Warm and Penetrates You Like a Thorn-
    Touching Deep Inside of You, and Sometimes Pierces Your Core -
    Through and Through. A Thorn that Might Not Ever Be Removed!
    So Next Time, Be Careful and Be Smart. 'Cause What Good Is Love If-
    It Only Breaks Your Heart!

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    PRober commented on What Good Is Love If....


    that is a GREAT poem babe... very well stated; although you could've structured the prose better, but other than that... very NICE indeed!

    countrypoet commented on What Good Is Love If....


    This is a good poem and covers the frustration that we all feel when looking for true love.True love when we can find it is a wonderful thing.It lifts our spirit and gives us the confidence to reveal our best qualities and abilities to the world.

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    carollynn1964’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Precious Baby Girl... 8
    To All Of My Loved Ones... 2
    The Fountain Of Genuine Love 6
    My Wonderful Son 2
    What Good Is Love If.... 4
    Endless Aching Need.... 1
    Hit and Run..... 1
    I Want Someone..... 7
    Jesus Is There Like He Promised To Be.... 3
    Don't Walk Alone.... 1
    Make Me Wanna Fall..... 4
    Love Hurts Sometimes... 3
    Until Then...... 3