what a woman


what a woman

What a woman
What is  a beautiful woman
A woman is creature of a female from a man
A woman is beauty of a man that nothing can replace
What a woman
A woman is a person that have a value that is not grade able
A woman is powerful a lone with natural beauty
A woman is never less than a woman
What a woman
A woman is a person that god  bring to earth for men to love
Never to disrespect or to call out of name
A  woman should only receiving love from everyone give love to everyone
What a woman
A woman should understand who they are and not settle for less
No woman on hearth is an ugly woman we produce that name not god
You as a woman are beautiful seductive and love able
What a woman
A woman is person that god create for me as a man to respect and love
A woman is a creator of a man, if you have a mom you should respect and validate
Avery woman, a woman not just should be but is the king and queen of life beside god
I will always treat my as my queen even on my worst day
What a woman

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Singcanary commented on what a woman


Love your deep thoughts on what a woman is...wish more could understand what you value and see as a gift from god. Thanks I enjoyed this.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

anderneglakay’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The reconciliatio
n of love
dream 1
what a woman 1
What happen to yesterday 0
The beauty of my mother 2
The passion of loving my baby 3
Love is 4