The reconciliation of love


  • Truth

    The reconciliation of love

    The reconciliation of love
    Reconciliation of love is the best think to do between true lover
    The reconciliation of love is never to easy after running to some bad time it can be very crucial
    Reconciliation of love must be understand between the lover, its can not be just a word its more than word it commitment and sacrifice
    Reconciliation of love can not be rebuild on the same old ways it was to begin with or with out change
    Reconciliation of love mean I understand not I thought I understand or I guess it’s another chance in life to do what right after mistake
    Reconciliation is not a game you absolutely can not play with that its can be your last chance your final time to save our love

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    am2anangel commented on The reconciliation of love


    very well written a truer message couldn't be spoken. great flow. well done.-tonya

    SuSpence commented on The reconciliation of love


    Very good ander, I really like the unique structure. And poignant words and tone. To reconcile love you must have a strong foundation, for otherwise when the winds of changes come you will be left but in a pile of loves rubble. -Spence

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    anderneglakay’s Poems (7)

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