Wedding Vow


  • Love
    • cbp3216dawg
    • Wow haven't been on here in like years, what everybody been up too?

    Wedding Vow

    This day is lovely,
    I'm marrying my lovely lady,
    Through thin and thick,
    I promise I'll be there especially when your sick,
    I want to bring u back to health,
    I want to repay you for all the stuff I made u deal with,
    We will have times full of happiness,
    Your my angel and I'm your knight in shinnin armour,
    I love you alot today but I'll love you more tomarrow,
    Our love will grow everyday,
    We'll get more protective each way,
    You are the midnight oil in my all day dream,
    Your love's like honey,
    It attracted me just as if I was a bee,
    I had a little taste and i was hooked instantly,
    I cant tell you enough how much I love you,
    Because we'll both be in the grave and I'll still be talking,
    At first I was scared to tell you how I felt,
    Cause I didnt want to have my heartbroken,
    I was trying to be stubborn and not let my heart open,
    But you tore my armour down piece by piece,
    I'm going to treat you how you need to be treated,
    which is being treated like a queen.

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    tinkbabey commented on Wedding Vow


    wow... took ma breath away n lef me speechless

    mizzretta713 commented on Wedding Vow



    ladyd37 commented on Wedding Vow


    dat;s real sweet comin from a young man of ur age!!

    NayInLove commented on Wedding Vow


    very cute pup :)

    NacolleMarie commented on Wedding Vow


    aww what a lucky lady swweeeetness

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    cbp3216dawg’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Feelings 0
    Tough Road 4
    Forever 5
    My Life Part IV 3
    My Life Part III 3
    My Life Part II 3
    My Life Part I 4
    Wedding Vow 8
    Love 6
    Cab Ride 6
    The Pain Inside II 9
    The Pain Inside 16