The Pain Inside II


  • Emotional
    • cbp3216dawg
    • Wow haven't been on here in like years, what everybody been up too?

    The Pain Inside II

    To me the pain means this to me,
    Very dark cold insane and mysterious,
    The pain that i go through is to tough for a human,
    Now im startin to question God if I'm a human,
    Or am i like jesus to come help these people,
    Lying cheatin and stealin asking me what can I do to help em,
    But wht can i do if I'm selfish?
    How can I help people if I can't help myself,
    The pain is beginnin' to get a hold of me,
    Feels like its creating a creature in me,
    Feels like my heart is turning cold,
    Nowadays everything i do..i do so bold,
    The thing inside me said it'll give me good treatin',
    An angel from heaven told me its a demon,
    The devil told me when I die I'm goin to be apart of his legion,
    And told me forever I'm never going to age again.

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    jrblood59 commented on The Pain Inside II


    i like it kuz i feel wher u komin from but stay out dat mind frame bro u gone be fine u r the best of us love ya bro

    silentwhisper commented on The Pain Inside II


    Words are deep and your thoughts give others time to sit and think. Good write. And I agree with realistic on their comments.....The devil is a liar, dont go that path.

    concience commented on The Pain Inside II


    like i said homie- god hears you- and he's holding u rightnow- i aint no preacer- but i been there too. i feel u a hunded %- stay up.

    bforibus commented on The Pain Inside II


    you sound like me.

    cottonluv commented on The Pain Inside II


    good job

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    cbp3216dawg’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Feelings 0
    Tough Road 4
    Forever 5
    My Life Part IV 3
    My Life Part III 3
    My Life Part II 3
    My Life Part I 4
    Wedding Vow 8
    Love 6
    Cab Ride 6
    The Pain Inside II 9
    The Pain Inside 16