Wasn't Good Enough


  • dragongarcia
  • Losing everything I loved but trying to keep going

Wasn't Good Enough

from the first day we met
something told me to ignore
the feelings inside me that you stirred
but i didnt listen and wish i had
cuz now im hurting while you sleep in bed
i fell in love with you that 1st day
yet now i wish id run away
i always knew i wasnt enough
when you held me asleep
yet you called out anothers name
why didnt i see i wasnt enough
when youd chat with random women
while im all forgotten, swollen with our child
i wasnt good enough
as you met people behind my back
but had the gall to say you loved me
why wasnt i enough?
why dont you just go already?
why rub it in my face 
yet say you love me?
ive known for years
that i would never be
good enough for you to truly want me
all these years ive been by your side
i gave you 2 wonderful children
ive endured your familys dislike of me
yet its been all for nothing
i wasnt good enough to keep
your attention and love
and i will never be good enough
to you then or ever 
so forget my dreams of us together
you can have anything or one you want
i cant take this hurt any longer
when i see your eyes wonder
i wont keep being hurt
when you talk and laugh with another girl
because i wasnt good enough
im setting you free of me
from the first day we met
something told me to ignore
the feelings inside me that you stirred
but i didnt listen and wish i had
cuz now im hurting while you sleep in bed
i fell in love with you that 1st day
yet now i wish id run away
i always knew i wasnt enough
when you held me asleep
yet you called out anothers name
why didnt i see i wasnt enough
when youd chat with random women
while im all forgotten, swollen with our child
i wasnt good enough
as you met people behind my back
but had the gall to say you loved me
why wasnt i enough?
why dont you just go already?
why rub it in my face 
yet say you love me?
ive known for years
that i would never be
good enough for you to truly want me
all these years ive been by your side
i gave you 2 wonderful children
ive endured your familys dislike of me
yet its been all for nothing
i wasnt good enough to keep
your attention and love
and i will never be good enough
to you then or ever 
so forget my dreams of us together
you can have anything or one you want
i cant take this hurt any longer
when i see your eyes wonder
i wont keep being hurt
when you talk and laugh with another girl
because i wasnt good enough
im setting you free of me

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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

dragongarcia’s Poems (96)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Being there 0
A simple thing 0
I can hear it 0
Peetza 0
Brother brother 0
Do you want me or do you not 0
Firefighters 0
Wishing you were here 1
What do you want from me? 0
My wish 0
Never enough 0
Mother 0
Using me 0
My everything 0
Lil Hoe 0
My cowboy 1
Many times 0
Coward 0
Not your everyday superman 1
Walked away 0
Daddy 0
Good Bye My Love 0
Wasn't Good Enough 0
my boys 0
stand before 1
is this a game to you? 1
lies against us 2
you 0
another day 0
fallen 0
black dragon 1
another moment 0
Second Chance 0
reaching out 0
forgiving you 0
mirror mirror on the wall 0
Given up the past 0
missing you 0
eturnal paradise 0
goodbye 0
labyrinth 0
underground 0
wedding day 0
mask 2
sacrifice 2
haunt me, leave me 0
friend 0
dieing 1
my pain 0
become 0
bleed 4
hate 0
b**** 1
what to do 1
slowly 1
what would it have been like? 0
forever and always 0
fathers 0
waiting 0
all i need is u. 0
happy endings 0
i wonder 1
kelly jean 0
unknown 0
Remember 0
Tears 1
what 0
why 1
you lied 0
when yesterday is gone 2
starry nite 0
since i lost u 5
nightmare 1
never 1
my love 0
love she bares 0
In the end 3
i wish 0
heart beat 1
Halloween 0
forever yours 1
Eyes 1
every 0
Even 0
Dear Uncle 1
cold 0
christmas love 0
Babys first sight 0
all i can do 0
A Voice 0
21st of October 0