Vampires Suck



Vampires Suck

Vampires suck
but it's not their choice
they'd rather wake you
with a lovers kiss
 than the silent whisper
of deaths cold voice
they'd rather hold hand
escorting you through the door
instead of hiding in shadows
and longing for more.
they rather you'd return
a long passioned kiss
instead of begging for breath
the warmth longed missed
a call for your love
 with lust in their voice
vampires suck
but it's not their choice

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SuziJean commented on Vampires Suck


Brilliant! "Vampires Suck" that was really clever!

Viper89 commented on Vampires Suck


This poem made me laugh!!! It the funniest/coolest vampire poem I've ever read even compared to my "Poetic Vamp" Well Done Sir!!!

cheronld commented on Vampires Suck


You put yet another romantic twist to the Dark Night and the romance to its dance....I really enjoyed this very much...great job...Cher

speechless commented on Vampires Suck


haha i love it. it's got the perfect amount of humor to it. :)

Teardrops commented on Vampires Suck


The vamps have a problem they cant enjoy the warm sunlight and sometimes being in the dark sucks on it own lol Marie

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

freemansvoice’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
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Rough Seas 10
Vampires Suck 9
Loss of an O.P. Friend 20
I Wish 14
My Little Devil 8
What's in the Fridge? 7
Out to See 5
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Things That Go Bump in the Night 11