


Manners manners ,
 where can they be.
Asking for quiet at the library,
was that wrong of me?
The sign says that cell phones are banned,
but are being used by every woman and man.
The inside voice don't exist anymore.
It's okay to scream like we're all out doors.
Laughing and joking, and the musical tones,
these fools are not kids, they are all long sense grown.
I remember in church when I was a child,
sitting still and straight was all that was allowed.
If I was to wiggle giggle or squirm,
 to the seat of my pants a lesson was burned.
Lessons learned waiting in line, patience displayed,
what ever happened to the good old days?

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Oblaidon commented on Manners


Wow, I haven't been in a library in a while. Cell Phones? No consideration... Hey, I think you meant quiet not quite in the third line. :)

texaswriter commented on Manners


This is so true. Enjoyed the lightheartedness of it. Sounds like you took it well.

sk commented on Manners


That last line is one I am ALWAYS saying!! Society has gotten more rude and embarassingly ignorant. The only way to fix this is for those of us who have an influence over young ones to instill some manners and basic decency in them. Great write!

MindNumbing commented on Manners


Funny, I remember reading something not long ago that we're all prone to saying 'excuse me' to a stranger, but we'll tell the people we care most about to 'get outta the way'... LOL! Sadly, the few of us that DO have manners, tend to only use them in the company of strangers and not with the ones we actually have some influence over. Oh, and I'm with Marie... I got the 'look' too.

Teardrops commented on Manners


I loved this and remember all my mom had to do was give us the "LOOK" and we knew we were going to pay . Great poem my friend Marie

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

freemansvoice’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Judgement Day 7
Rough Seas 10
Vampires Suck 9
Loss of an O.P. Friend 20
I Wish 14
My Little Devil 8
What's in the Fridge? 7
Out to See 5
Far Far Away 3
dreams 8
What's The Use 3
Blue Wolf 29
Manners 5
Fairy tail 9
Dragons Eye 6
Dust Bowl 6
So Sorry 8
The Game 11
Desiring You 14
Things That Go Bump in the Night 11