


(Snow in Electra, Texas)

I will succumb this volupty winter, you with bowed head
In harmony of snowflake kisses, delicate, unprotected

Unmitigated fondness, left unbruised, unsaid
Paired in floating dreams, binding us unconnected

Upon it lies tender hearts, triumph yet drawn
Disappearing into whiteness, immense jubilee

Refulgent sunsets await but not foregone
Valentine, nourish your soul be with me

Keri Jopplin
Copyright ©2010

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

KerBear’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
'lil wranglers 1
child 1
Daddy's Girl 2
Keri 1
Snow Whispers 0
Suddenly 0
Stage 1 0
Valentine 0
Flower Power 1