Snow Whispers


Snow Whispers

She dances upon snow gone lost in her dreams,
Giggles turn to wiggles as she makes angel wings.
Wishing upon stars under beams of the moon,
She hums her favorite, a lost & forgotton tune;
Somewhere over the rainbow, why oh why can't I,
Live out of fantasies that are galloping on by.

She climbs up & nestles onto her magical horse,
Alone in the whiteness riding her own discourse;
Searching of her lover from shore to shore.
She weeps into the mane that she'll grasp forever more.

For years she has yearned as she dreams of her lover,
Tho drifting & lonely she won't settle for no other,
No knight, no suitor, no lover at all;
Listen to the Siren's, you'll hear her whispered call.

Keri Jopplin
Copyright ©2010

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

KerBear’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
'lil wranglers 1
child 1
Daddy's Girl 2
Keri 1
Snow Whispers 0
Suddenly 0
Stage 1 0
Valentine 0
Flower Power 1