

  • Love
    • Biz
    • "I have a garden of my own, Shining with flowers of every hue; I loved it dearly while alone, But I shall love it more with you..." Thomas Moore


    ~ I cannot see you, but your touch is eternally there,
    Your voice is mute to my ears, and I ask why life is so un-fair.
    The choices we have made, the chances we have taken,
    Through all the storm, our love is not forsaken.
    So I try to pick up the pieces, of the walls we let tumble down,
    I am consumed by the ocean of issues, will I drown?
    Do you have the strength to save me?
    Or have I wandered too far out to sea?
    I am floating in my tears, the water gets deeper by the day.
    Nothing but rain and dark clouds since my family has been away.
    I want my rainbow; where is the warmth of the sun?
    I need to hear their laughter and see their carefree days of fun.
    Am I getting closer; is that the sand beneath my feet?
    Am I dreaming? Is that really you waiting for our two hearts to finally meet?
    Once again we have done it- overcome and become one.
    Tie our heartstrings in double knots, never again to come undone.

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Biz’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Again 1
    Burning Questions 0
    F.B. and others 1
    Free Spirit 1
    Doomed to Repeat Mistakes 1
    The End 2
    City Bus Ride 0
    My kids 2
    Ghost II 0
    Ghosts 0
    Un-Divided 0
    Web of Shadows 0
    Mother's Day 0
    1-14-1998 2
    "My Thought Are With You" 1
    7-13-1999 2