Trusting too much


Trusting too much

The evil man walks into my life with his false love and laughter
Not knowing what an impact he has on this heart of mine.
He is on to another with his practiced and enticing web.
I'm sure by now he can't remember nor did he even know
How much I loved and wanted him for all eternity.

I give too much before the gate is open, like a horse in a race.
I prance and use much energy before I make "the big run".
If I would only take notice of the others and how they stand so still.
Saving all their energy and gently giving their all at the end.
You'd think at my age I would have learned,by now, the lesson.

They say there is nothing like an old fool and I believe it is true.
For when it comes to love and devotion, I cast all cares aside.
Trusting when I should be so very careful is not the way I am.
Why can't I keep my guard up so this never happens to me again.
I know that God loves me, but he can't hold me in the night.

God can't make love to me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
And yet a Pastor I know will disagree and here is what he'll say,
Forget about the flesh my dear and live for the Lord, but you know
I have never lived like that so how can he expect me to do it now.
I think giving yourself to God is something done in early life.

In closing I will say to you, go quietly on your own and be careful,
who you let inside, because they may not be real and actually,
do you harm. The thing to remember is don't ever let anyone
take your spirit and your soul, for that is something that noone
deserves to have. Wish me luck my friends for my umpteenth go.

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cliftondurant commented on Trusting too much


you are never to old to give yourself to god he will help you make the right decision giving yourseif to god don't mean being alone god know your needs he want you to lean on him

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

WisconsinLady’s Poems (2)

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Trusting too much 1