Look into the mirror and tell me what you see
Say to yourself that’s a true reflection of me
This image represents what I look like
Do I look like Von Dyke or Mike?
Is this what I am or who I want to be?
Sure this can’t be happing to me

Deep inside you may be dreading what you is becoming
Yes I am the true embodiment of the species that they called human being
The answer is right in front of you my friend, just look at yourself in the mirror
Ask yourself, am I contributing to the future for a better tomorrow?
Am I too self righteous or too selfish?
Do I dwell too much in vanity?
Or must I be careful for what I wish?
What if I am profiting at the expense of another man anguish?

The true reflection is the portrait of one existence
To prove that you’re up right you have to do it with substance
It’s good to live a true and up right life
Don’t be over come by stress and strife
Who are you to judge someone by their intelligence or beauty?
True reflection is not about one status in life, its one duty.

No one is without an inch of mistake
Learn by them and move on to claim your stake
If you practice what you live and preach
Learn to live by what you teach
The outside appearance of a man is nothing
It’s what inside is everything.

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

chiston’s Poems (2)

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