today and tonight


  • Love

    today and tonight

    today I tell you I love you
    do you love me too
    tomorrow we make love
    but tonight we fight
    like cats and dogs
    maybe we can make up
    but who knows we can
    brake up
    before the night is over
    so for now
    lets make love
    till we can't say a word
    and end up clueless

    Maria Bonet

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    rollerderby commented on today and tonight


    I hope everything worked out for you in this relationship, if it doesn't dont worry you're still young and attractivw. Well done dear!

    wildpendigus commented on today and tonight


    I like this poem could be a very nice song with right funky beat and rythmn section, and drums, altough it is just a plain nice poem I would take it a step farther it may become a hit song Congratulations !



    thats what i wanted it to be but thank you

    shirineshat commented on today and tonight


    to be honest with you some guys are users they use girl 4 what they want (sex) and they call it and sex are two different things. Becare who u choose because thats how US girls get hurt faster than guys. We think of love, they think about sex.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    maria01031’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    before you say 0
    trust me 2
    today and tonight 3
    if 2
    needing you 2
    is it real 1
    i stand here today 0
    confesions 1
    don't know 0
    what is love? 2
    my love is strong 0
    i wish 0
    february 18 2009 hey dad 1