To the ends of the Earth


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    To the ends of the Earth

    To the ends of the earth I walk, trying to find the answer

    I know the answer isn’t far, but I seem to not be able to reach it

    I watch the wind jostle the trees, and grass

    The clouds become forms, but just as you see, they become just sight

    Sounds, noise, and chatter, from the people and vehicles

    Trying to see, and feel, but it is not close, as I believe

    Turning on the path is hard, as there are several directions

    One path, leads to things you never have dreamed of

    Another leads to dreams, but is there happiness with it

    And finally the last, a reality path, knowing it can lead to all that the other two will not

    So many choices, but not much time

    Gasping for the right choice, knowing it will make you or break you

    Then, a light appears, and you see the correct path, that has the answer

    Knowing, it had been there all the time, you just had not chose to turn that way

    Once you do, it will be the path that you have longed for and will cherish

    One journey has ended, and new one has begun

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    kaleo55 commented on To the ends of the Earth


    insightful path of your journey to oneness

    riceryder commented on To the ends of the Earth


    wow your really good with words keep up the great work man

    Tidewader commented on To the ends of the Earth


    Like your work and reading your poems...keep up the writing

    bforibus commented on To the ends of the Earth


    mmmm. i love the zodiac. lol

    Phoenix9 commented on To the ends of the Earth


    very well done, good write

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    silentwhisper’s Poems (4)

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