Afternoon Storms


  • Nature

    Afternoon Storms

    Sitting on the front porch, on a cloudy day
    The skies, are turning a dark gray and churning above
    I sit back and wonder what a storm this one could be
    The wind, begins blowing hard, and a has a cold chill to it
    Soon the air smells like rain, the lightening strikes, and thunder roars
    I wonder: Should I take cover or just sit back and let nature take it course?!
    Soon the wind chimes, begin to chime......... swinging back and forth as they rhyme
    I take a step, towards the watch in the horizon as the storm rumbles closer
    My heart begins beating faster, as I will soon be in the rain storm that will change the day
    There it is........with its colliding winds, symmetrical force and part of natures worse, and best!
    This certain storm, does no harm; Just letting all things take in the water and keep growing
    It has now gone....Fast and Furious, yet soft and gentle...

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    kaleo55 commented on Afternoon Storms


    I love the way you keep me looking for the worse....then, 'Fast and Furious, yet soft and gentle'

    keithrberryjr commented on Afternoon Storms


    great poem.nice job capturing the feel of a storm.

    Phoenix9 commented on Afternoon Storms


    like storms alot,,nailed it

    chadallac74 commented on Afternoon Storms



    mykhail commented on Afternoon Storms


    This is beautiful ... u r living up to ur name ... Silent Whisper!

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    silentwhisper’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Afternoon Storms 11
    To the ends of the Earth 6
    Soft Shadows 6
    Beautiful 4