

  • Lost Love


    Its hard to picture me without you
    My soul without its Knight
    Wishing and Praying that soon someday will end
    End the fight and i will have won the fight
    My soul is in search of a way to make you see
    To make you understand that you completely me
    I wroke up today and realize am too tired
    Too tired of pretending seeing you dont hurt
    Too tired of not loving you the way i want to
    Too tired of losing and of being replace
    Should i let this pass me by
    Should i let go of what i hold dearly
    God has a plan for all of us
    Am sitting and wondering what my plan is
    Tired of nutting happenning my way
    You say you feel that same way
    You say you dont know why
    You say you love me
    i was told before it gets better it will get worst
    Worst is my days now
    Seeing and hearing my love being shared
    Shared is not my way of things

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Sairah85’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    To my dear 0
    Thinking 0
    When 1
    Tired 0
    Wishing up on a star 0
    Perfect 0
    An Angel 0
    You 1
    Thinking of you 0
    Hold my hand 0
    Desire 0
    China 0
    Miss 2
    New 0
    Confused 0
    How 0
    Dream 0
    Depressed 1