An Angel


  • Life

    An Angel

    need a man to call my own
    A man who will love me for me
    Who will accept my heart as is
    Who will understand and know me
    Who will cherish and adore me
    Who will trust, respect me
    Who will be honest in every way
    Who won't have time for game playing nor do i need a fool 'cuz am too old for that
    Who will encourage me to be greater then I am
    A man who will call me just because
    Who will buy me or make anything and say " Baby, when i seen this your beauty came to mind and I just had to bring it to you"
    A man who will have eyes only for me
    A man who will fight for my love and when he has it he'll continue fighting to with hold that love forever
    A man who will be my rock when i need to be rock
    A man who will upgrade not downgrade me
    A man who will be my superman in the darkness of night
    A man who will love my kids
    A man who will become my husband and I his wife in the eyes of the lord
    I don't need an abuser for I am a diamond
    Nor do i need a cheat for I am a Queen
    I need a man who will look at me and say " Thank You love for everything. I love you deeply"
    A man who will surprise me
    A man who will tell me his secrets
    Who will not judge my pass but be focus on our future
    Nor do i need a two face man
    A man who will be with me during my rainy days 
     and who will be waiting for me at the end of the rainbow
    A man who will be patient and not demand
    A strong man
    A caring man 
    A giver
    A man who will be my teacher and I his student 
    A man who will take my weakness and make me strong
    A man who i will call my better half, my lover, my friend, my papi
    A man who will own my heart and soul

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Sairah85’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    To my dear 0
    Thinking 0
    When 1
    Tired 0
    Wishing up on a star 0
    Perfect 0
    An Angel 0
    You 1
    Thinking of you 0
    Hold my hand 0
    Desire 0
    China 0
    Miss 2
    New 0
    Confused 0
    How 0
    Dream 0
    Depressed 1