

  • Life


    A single voice,
    In a sea of sound.
    A single tear,
    In the pouring rain.
    A single heartbeat,
    Amongst the thousands.

    New life breathes
    As it enters the world.
    Another falls,
    For a person they love.
    Someone lies,
    And then someone cries.

    It's the circle of life.
    We live,
    We die,
    We cry.
    You think that it isn't true,
    That this crude circle will end.

    No one ever said,
    This life would be easy.
    Someone said,
    There would be obstacles,
    But He will always be with you.
    Even when others leave.

    These are just the thoughts,
    Of a seventeen-year-old girl.
    But She likes to think,
    That they are worth something.
    If nothing else,
    To bring peace to her mind.

    "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a better future."
    -Jeremiah 29:11 

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    toredbloodink commented on Thoughts.......


    Speechless.... Well not totally... I have to say I needed to read this... Thanks for the blessing.. Many back on to you.... Red

    gogant commented on Thoughts.......


    Yeah, life can be tough...but one has to be able to smile and move on to the next obstacle....that's what life is wouldn't be much fun if it were too easy. A lovely poem...............................g

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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