Think about it.


Think about it.

Enlarge One infliction upon a tiny soul.
Leaves scars that others want to make null
Why do you shy away from a woman in pain.
Do you think numbness will take away your shame?

I have survied a hell that you cannot comprehend.
People take there chances I will never bend.
I know my lot and the pain I carry.
But others want to smile making me want to tarry.

What I survived most just don't know.
There riches, wealth, and glow they want to show.
But there is more to life than they know.
For example the Father that will never let go.

You say I am wise beyond my years.
But you won't look in my eyes to recognize the fears.
You say I am an overcomer that wont be let down.
But you don't know how long I have  worn this frown.,

This world is  nothing but a flower in the breeze.
There will be one day when my body will freeze.
So my hope is in a substance some can not contain.
Like the words of my God substained in my brain.

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dolphin6670 commented on Think about it.


I really really really like this one! Good job Lisa! :-)))))

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

lisagrizzly’s Poems (27)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Love After... 1
Infidelity 0
Grandpa 2
A memorable moment 0
To be tired 0
This rambling mouth of mine. 2
I Heart U. 2
The beauty of the ride. 2
Think about it. 1
Hope through the pain 2
Here Today and Gone Tomorrow 0
Making A Difference 0
Free of Grief 0
Growing Pains 0
Goodbye 0
His Gift 0
Until the Day 0
God In ME 0
Robotic... Peace 0
Godliness 1
To be free 0
Youth 1
Walking on clouds 1
This Need 1
When wil the bloodshed end 0
The Scent of Spring 0
Diamond in the rough 0