Things About Love


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    These are just random little poems that I made up and then put together.

    Things About Love

    I cry at the sign of your tears
    I laugh at the sign of your humor
    I help you when you need my help
    I love you when you need some love
    I wish that you could wish for me

    I always reread our conversations
    To see what you said
    And to see for any loopholes
    To get in to your heart

    I love the way
    You are so free spirited
    And don't care what anyone thinks
    I love the way
    You care for me
    And how I care for you

    Sometimes I feel
    As though you don't want me there
    But then when I leave
    You come to me
    Sometimes I feel
    As though you need some happiness
    Because you aren't too happy
    Sometimes I feel
    As though you get annoyed with me
    And want me to leave you alone
    But then when I do
    You come back to me
    And talk as though
    I never hurt you

    We may never be together
    But at least we have right now
    To make all the memories
    We may have together...

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LizaT11’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Cold 0
    Your Beauty 0
    Stronger. 1
    One of a Kind 1
    You Can't 1
    The Fear 1
    My Beach 2
    I love this feeling! 1
    My Guardian Angels 1
    Get Over It 1
    Finally Smiling 1
    Differences Between Her and I 0
    Escape from Here 0
    Rain, Rain, Please Come and Stay 0
    Things About Love 0
    Your Welcome 0
    Everything I Do 0
    Dream With Me 0
    Why? 0
    I'm Not Giving Up 1
    My Poems 0
    The Snow Outside 2
    My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused 7