My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


  • Love

    My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused

    He knows like him
    But does he really know I like him?
    Do I love him?
    I don't know
    I want him to know
    But I dont want him to know
    Because he doesnt like me
    Or maybe he does
    I dont know
    He doesnt know
    He likes her
    And she likes him

    I might be in love
    I know that sounds childish
    But it's not
    And I have been through so much
    Trying to figure out this...problem
    I think I might love him
    I dont know
    I hate him, I like him, I hate him, l like him
    I cant make up my mind!
    It's like he's a beautiful black hole
    Sucking me back in
    And learning more about him each day

    Even if I dont really love him
    I will always have him in my heart
    And I will never forget that warm feeling
    I get when I talk to him, see him, or anything
    Is there really a such thing as love?
    I think there is
    And I hope maybe someday he will figure out what it is too
    And he can finally love me
    I just hope it doesnt take him much longer....

    Poem Comments


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    wolflover4 commented on My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


    I know who your talking about ;) lol and he probably does! You just don't wanna realize tht he does! :D oh btw I like the poem :)

    BentlyB commented on My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


    I know he likes you and u don't see it but i do. Every one can see it but you. I love the poem!!!

    jessicanichole commented on My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


    this is a good poem i like it. love poems are so sweet. it is like real life u never know if u really love someone. i love ur poem it is my favorite love poem.



    AWW thx!! :)

    Nibula5 commented on My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


    You peom is awesome. It's nice that you just expressed yourself when you wrote these poem. I love your poem it's going 2 be my favorite poem now. btw your awesome :) :)



    Thanks!! :D

    jerseycrtz commented on My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused


    And thats what makes you so good. If you write without rules, you speak your mind in a way that nobody will understand. That's what makes you a good poet.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LizaT11’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Cold 0
    Your Beauty 0
    Stronger. 1
    One of a Kind 1
    You Can't 1
    The Fear 1
    My Beach 2
    I love this feeling! 1
    My Guardian Angels 1
    Get Over It 1
    Finally Smiling 1
    Differences Between Her and I 0
    Escape from Here 0
    Rain, Rain, Please Come and Stay 0
    Things About Love 0
    Your Welcome 0
    Everything I Do 0
    Dream With Me 0
    Why? 0
    I'm Not Giving Up 1
    My Poems 0
    The Snow Outside 2
    My Crush...or Love, I'm Confused 7