they came


  • Nature

    they came

    we swam the ocean debths singing our songs
    contentwith our lives we had no enemies
    until they came with thier spearsto kill us

    We had done nothing to warrent being slaughtered
    yet they stalked us with their killing machines
    murdering our brethern by the thousands with no warning

    Once we numbered in the millions now alas
    our numbers have dwindled to a mere few thousand
    ours is a dying race slaughtered by those who came
    in their boats with spears in hand

    soon our songs will cease to be heard for none shall
    survive the slaughter. they don't realize we possess
    an intelligance that rivals that of man.

    We; not man rule the oceans debths thus
    all we ask is to be left in peace and treated with
    love, respect and honor you're ancesters gave us
    before our wisdom is lost and our songs cease to
    be heard.

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    angelique’s Poems (5)

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    Title Comments
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    the war has ended 1
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    she is the last 0