The Way You Look At Me


  • Heart Ache

    The Way You Look At Me

    Days come and go
    People pass me by
    Nobody stops to says hi
    They just walk on by

    The day you came
    Everything changed
    When you walked my way
    When you said "how are you today?"

    The way your eyes glimmered
    Just makes me shiver
    You make me smile
    When you look into my eyes.

    Soon we became friends
    And really good friends at that
    Everybody can tell that we're happy now
    Just by the way we look at each other like that

    Everybody goes by wishing you were by my side
    But I dont know why I don't try.
    I know I could win
    If I just jump in.

    But do you want me to win
    Or do you just want me to give in?
    Do I go ahead and wait for you?
    Or do I go to the next?

    I want to wait
    But you act like you don't want me back
    But other days I can tell you want me to stay
    So I think I'm going to stay.

    I'll wait for you
    Because the way your eyes say
    I'm on my way
    So the way you look at me means so much more.

    Just by the way you look at me
    Just makes me happy
    When I look into your eyes.
    They go deep into your soul

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    whoknew’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    None of Us are Perfect 0
    Love is Fine 0
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    The Way You Look At Me 0
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