The Waterfall Of Life


  • Lost Love

    The Waterfall Of Life

    When love has been washed away in the waterfall of life,
    two are no longer one.
    The promises and memories they once shared are mere ripples
    in the cold crisp water below.
    It is inevitable that the estranged lovers will stand forlorn on opposite
    shores obscured by the mist as they slowly fade into the dusk.
    Hours later as the sun rises two that were once one, must reach
    beyond their old horizons.
    They learn to cope with the reality that life as they knew it yesterday
    will be lost in the shadows of today, leaving them alone with the dawns
    ot their tomorrows.

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    HarverTomsson commented on The Waterfall Of Life


    Though young love will argue, you have well distilled adult desperation and adaptation. Best wishes on your love life.



    My love life sometime ago lead me to write that poem but now it is wonderful, Thanks for the comment.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    snickelfrittzz’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Waterfall Of Life 1
    Jesus My Hero My GuidingLight 1
    To Know You Is To Love You 0