The Voice of Silent Music


  • Confusion

    The Voice of Silent Music

    Ghostly notes of solitude

    Solemnly ring forth.

    Whimsically they flutter,

    To gently tease the senses.

    Dancing from the recesses of the mind,

    Shallow faces fading from view.

    Can you hear their whispered pleas,

    To be heard among the noise?

    Can you see the trail they leave,

    So colorful amongst the black of despair?


    Painted pictures of false identities

    Whirling through the river of deceit

    Slivers of hope, so vividly seen,

    Only to fade when grasped, left with nothing.

    Tainted memories of lives forgotten

    Caress the soul, sheltered by forgotten love.

    Hear their sorrows, hear their prayers,

    Resonating through the being.


    Haunting notes of sorrow

    Are gleaned from the grip of silence.

    Solemnly they fly,

    To grip the heart with new emotions.

    Creeping from the cracks within the soul,

    Disheartened figures sighing as they depart.

    Can you hear the whispered thanks,

    As loud as the silence that follows?
    Can you see the memories they leave,

    So bright among the darkness of normality?

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    HallowedChild13’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Voice of Silent Music 0
    Whirling Away 0
    Silent Screams 0
    Under the Camouflage 0
    On The Edge Of Darkness 1
    The Cost Of Freedom 0
    Ice-Cold Tyrant 0