"The Uncommon Man"


  • Love

    "The Uncommon Man"

    The uncommon man loves his woman just as she is…

    He doesn’t try to change her, but accepts her flaws and all.


    The uncommon man even loves the things he hates about her…

    He loves her with purity of heart.


    The uncommon man is supportive of all her emotional needs…

    He builds her up and stimulates her mind, body and soul.


    The uncommon man puts her first before all others…

    He recognizes her love is a gift from God…that her love for him is uncommon.


    Are there any uncommon men out there?

    Or am I just fantasizing about something that does not exist?




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    Savant commented on "The Uncommon Man"


    I was just about to read another one of your pieces when I saw the title for this one. I was called to it...because I am uncommon. (Smile) I can feel where you are coming from in this piece even though it does not speak on the difficulty of maintaining an uncommon love. I also have to say that I evolved into the man I am today so maybe, just maybe, we have to first be common to become uncommon. Whatcha think?



    Savant...thanks so much for your response!! Yes you are right...I agree that you do have to be common to be uncommon. Sometimes you have to go through something to evolve and grow.

    sdismuke commented on "The Uncommon Man"


    Love this!!!! It would be wonderful if we could accept each other for who we are.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    cocothepoet’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Suspended In Time" 1
    "We Can't Be Friends" 1
    The Gemini Mind 2
    The Apology 3
    "Release" 2
    "In My Eyes" 2
    "My Weakness" 1
    "Recognize" 1
    "I Caught Feelings..." 1
    "Gotta Let You Go..." 2
    "I Love You Unashamedly" 3
    "Broken Promises" 3
    "Love Wars" 4
    "His Voice" 4
    "My Love" 3
    "The Uncommon Man" 3
    s with Myself"