"Broken Promises"


  • Lost Love

    "Broken Promises"

    He promised to love you, he promised to cherish you…oh and he promised never to be unfaithful…


    Broken promises are like a knife to the soul…

    You feel like you will never again be whole.


    In the middle of the night the phone rings of misery to come…

    Never thought you would be so dumb?


    All the signs of infidelity were there for you to see…

    But you decided to ignore them and let things be.


    She said he laid with her giving her good love…

    She said he fit her like a glove.


    NO this can’t possibly be true…

    Not from the one who said he would never be unfaithful to you.


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    GucciGurl commented on "Broken Promises"


    I really love this gurl. It really cuts like a knife. Just now understanding myself all the secrets where his game. It hurs so bad I hang my head in shame. Keep writting



    Thanks...I wrote it during an extreme time of pain. I seem to write best then...I am working on writing when all is well in my world. LOL

    sdismuke commented on "Broken Promises"


    This has got to be the best poem you have written. I share every line of your poem.

    sammia commented on "Broken Promises"


    I can feel the pain that flows through this, love the flow. Great write. Keep writing and sharing



    Thank you sooo much!!! I appreciate the encouragement!

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    cocothepoet’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Suspended In Time" 1
    "We Can't Be Friends" 1
    The Gemini Mind 2
    The Apology 3
    "Release" 2
    "In My Eyes" 2
    "My Weakness" 1
    "Recognize" 1
    "I Caught Feelings..." 1
    "Gotta Let You Go..." 2
    "I Love You Unashamedly" 3
    "Broken Promises" 3
    "Love Wars" 4
    "His Voice" 4
    "My Love" 3
    "The Uncommon Man" 3
    s with Myself"