The Selfish Act


  • Death

    The Selfish Act

    Life was unbearable and she couldn't take it anymore
    She was contemplating suicide as she paced the floor
    She had an idea, she thought about ending the pain with pills
    She poured them in her hand causing some to spill
    Her heart was reminding her about her loved ones
    She was at a point where she had no where to run
    The pain took control of her mind preventing her from thinking
    Nothing could stop her soul from sinking
    The dark power of death had begun to consume her life
    Nothing she could do now could make things right
    With tears burning her eyes she finally made up her mind
    She felt that her family would forgive her and understand in time
    She took a hand full of pills and she swallowed them all
    Becoming weak and dizzy she began to fall
    Life didn't exit her body because love kept her around
    So she took a hit from the pale horse that finally took her down
    She was caught up in darkness she had never experienced before
    And she became afraid because she realized she wasn't on earth anymore
    It was too late she surely couldn't turn back now
    "What have I done?"  She thought before her light went out
    As her soul soared high above the place of her death
    She wished she could somehow gather enough breath...
    To ask the Creator for forgiveness for her selfish act
    But she had gone to far it was too late to turn back

    Dedicated in memory of my friend Ruby Norment

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    redbloodink commented on The Selfish Act


    awwww I'm sorry for the your loss.... I once knew the sorry of living but I'm thankfull I have found the love and joy of living press on and keep writting ,,, You seem to have a passion for it.... and a whole lotta life to go..... red



    Thank you for such a nice comment. It hurt me so much when it first happened because I tried so hard to help her but I'm at peace now because I know now she's at peace. The way I ease my pain is through writing. Thanks once again.



    yw..................................................... red

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    shennia’s Poems (3)

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