The Light From The Stars


The Light From The Stars

The stars outside frowned at sea---
When your soul is to harsh to put your hands on me./
The light guides me into a whole different view./
The guilt that stood close between my eyes and you./

Only you would know what pushed you over the red line./
To push the light off my face and to pierce this soul of mine./
Your love was the first that I ever lust to taste./
Now look into my eyes and at the things it lead me to face./

Your lips,
your love,
Your pain from hand! /
I accepted you as my first love and my future husband./

Things got a little ruff, but still I let the stars guide me./
To see if this whole illusion was really ment to be./
Then slowly,
Darkness rolled over until I could no longer see to open my eyes./
God still sat on his thrown and watched the devils' demons take upon his angel cries./
The lights in my eyes slowly shut away...
My eyes darkened til' black and no bones moved within my body nor face./
The Light From The Stars

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Kalonji commented on The Light From The Stars


Very Nice like tha way u express urself...Good keep it up

maryann72961 commented on The Light From The Stars


very powerful and very deep

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

SimplyDeep21’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Fly On The Wall 1
Black Waterfall 1
Secrets 3
The Light From The Stars 2