Black Waterfall


Black Waterfall

Standing in the mist of black water, as water rise over my head./
One side of my soul is pure Marvin Gaye, while the other is dead./
Lines race through my mind,Not knowing which one to take./
Scared to death of my silent soul as another line breaks./

Traveling at a hundred miles per hour through an addict of thoughts./
Just blessed being able to hear melodies of another deep soul, but with a rap-flow brought./
I sit silent between the sun setting behind black waterfalls,listening ---
To the soul of an unheard legend, wishing for one day of being great like him, and for everyone to hear unexplainable lines that I hear./
Only my own thoughts second guessing myself,"Not being good enought for the world," is the only step I come to fear./

Though I'm so mezmerised by his lines of deep thoughts and truths, that I can still feel every flow running within my soul./
While black waterfalls cover my face, Now Im wondering how so much talent can be stole! ---
Insane from questions, as Fatz Domino sung,"Blueberry Hill" as blood flowed through Louisiana streets./
Floating on a cloud with you, as I started to cry and can't sleep./

Of wanting to be knowledged by how this dream would really end,
Without a Covering pretend!/
So I vision---
All spoken talent, sitting together holding hands behind black waterfalls of troubled memories resting silently in our heads./
While a flower of talent dies, another bud is sprouted crying, and replaces the legends of the dead./

Black Waterfalls(By:MelanieFutch)

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outawhackjack commented on Black Waterfall


like this one too

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

SimplyDeep21’s Poems (4)

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