The last rose on the bush.


  • Other

    The last rose on the bush.

    Why am I all alone,was I not good enough?
    The rest were picked and clipped,but here I am all alone.
    I tryed my hardest to be the best.
    I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted.
    I did all that I could,but here I sit all alone.

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    laydbak1 commented on The last rose on the bush.


    The worst gut-wrenching feeling in the world is the strong desire to be noticed in a crowd, yet blend in as though you weren't even there... This is a good metaphore of the plain jane syndrome...

    snowdove commented on The last rose on the bush.


    awe.. i feel the same as you do. sadness of being left out , sucks it does, wish we all could be picked. it would be nice. good poem

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    lowkey’s Poems (3)

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    Eyes 2
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    The last rose on the bush. 2