The Green Mean -an Ode poem in elevated style


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I have many Ode style poems. I will bring them to light for all to read stories in poem form. Hope you like The Green Mean

The Green Mean -an Ode poem in elevated style

The Green mean Once upon a time there was an extremely rich green miser, his only friend, an aide called Kaiser. The misers greed is what turned him green, as money green made him mean. I want to go where it's cold so my money it won't mold. My body is green I must never -never be seen, declared the green mean. Kaiser blubbled in response, I can cover you with grass rubble!. No- No you imbecile, the green mean thundered, you are such a stupid blunder, as he perambulated away. There's one way, to be sure, to get you off on your tour. What-what-what is it you fool? screamed the green mean, with lean finger in the face of terror stricken Kaiser. Will you be going by sea or air?, Kaiser quivered while dodging a chair. I know-I know beamed Kaiser , there's a place you can go , Greenland!, that's it for you and your dough, it's cold and also green too hide your body of green mean. Kaiser states with a gleam. The green mean hurls a lamp in rage, How do you suppose to get me there?,Hummmmmmmmmmmm! I'll find a crate with holes, you know, so there's room for your nose, as kaiser takes a sinister pose. So it's by ship in cargo. The green mean with poker to strike, I better not go to Key Largo!. Hummmmmmmmmm! Kaiser smerks as the green mean is crated, But, without the, means green, a way to sham the greedy mean. The green mean in cargo dark, sniff-sniff, is that a tart? With belly empty & no water to drink, Gasp! the green mean is starting to shrink, as he moves to remove a kink. The ship docked in Greenland on time, the crate unloaded with the green mean not so fine. With a heave-ho the crate hit's Firma, rolling & rolling like gamblers dice, spitting the green mean out upon the ice. The green mean spied the spent contents, as he wobbles on shakey limbs,as his swollen green eyes dims, Where's my money?! The red faced green man cried. The cold eventualley took it's toll, the green means plight was to much to bare, as on the white a blue- green tear , Kaiser played him for a fool. Meanwhile back home. Kaiser is wallowing , tumbling knee deep with the green mean's money, like a big dummy. The ringing telephone , a heated argument, No! No! , your not getting a cent, I don't care what you spent, bring me proof if you want bread, My treachery won me all his green, and if you did your job, the green mean will be dead!. I gave him no food or water, he probably wasted away all sick & boney. So! do your job you dumn phoneys. Later! Knock-knock rap bang pounding. Kaiser's eyes bulged with fear, feverious face, sweat he did taste as he takes slow pace. Heart pounds kaiser grinds his teeth, a husky voice! We're looking for a Kaiser fellow!, shivering quivering Kaiser worms his useless self towards the unknown, his legs like jelly he slids on his belly. The door knob slowly turns , Than! A brutal lunge, passage, gapped wide, Kaiser is thrown aside as a crate crashes pass his worthless hide. Kaiser stunned, scowls the intruder. Oh No It can't be! From out of the crate A mad mean bounds, with scouled frown. I'm Backkkkkkkkkkk! With boney fingers raised to Kaiser's throut, the green parsimony chocked the fraud insensible too darkness. Kaise awakens in fetal position, stiff cold limbs unfold. As the story was told. Where do you think Kaise is? Green mean has two aids now. Who could they be? THE END

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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

MaggieFrost38’s Poems (15)

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