The day I heard the Earth speaking


  • Religion

    The day I heard the Earth speaking

    The day I heard the Earth speaking
    by Silvia Mitrengová

    On one of my journeys across space
    I could hear the Earth speaking
    This voice still after so many years
    Echoes in my ears
    Thus hardly to be forgotten
    What I intend to say...
    As resting calmly in my bag
    Through the window of the roundish shape
    I watched my fellows floating weightless
    Outside in the aerospace
    And everything seemed to be alright
    When after they had fixed the satellite
    I heard a short yet outstanding sound
    As if someone snapped His fingers
    And all the crew at once
    Dissolved right in front of my eyes
    In the outer universe
    While sharing my distress with this mystery
    I began to look for somebody
    Yet found noone but the empty ship
    With the thick fog covering
    Every single room in it
    But it did not reach the one
    With several blank screens
    That resembled the mosaic
    And under them a transmitter
    For contacting the headquarter
    But as I picked it up in haste
    I witnessed something strange
    The cluster of delightful words
    Flushed into my ears
    First in sequence then at once
    And my sight fell on the screen
    Situated on the right
    For it turned on suddenly
    Showing up the sign:
    And there was a monk
    Right in the middle of his praying:
    ...and may those bound be free. 
    May those who find themselves in trackless,
    fearful wildernesses-the children, the aged,
    the unprotected-be guarded by beneficent
    celestials, and may they swiftly attain
    Then another screen
    This time on the left
    Exposured my eyes
    And while its title bar was schowing:
    There was a priest in front of the crowd praying:
    ...and we shall beat our swords into plowshares, 
    and our spears into pruning hooks. 
    Nation shall not lift up sword against nation-
    neither shall they learn war anymore. 
    And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts..**
    Then between these two
    The third screen at a blow
    Turned its display on
    I could see a shrine
    And some people praying:
    ….may all in this world be happy,
    may they be healthy, may they be comfortable
    and never miserable.
    May the rain come down in the proper time,
    may the earth yield plenty of corn,
    may the country be free from war,
    may the Brahmans be secure....***
    While the caption on the screen was saying:
    Krishna Temple, South India, 10.23 AM
    The foruth screen switched on afterward
    Just above the middle one
    And while the sign on it was saying:
    There was a kneeling crowd praying:
    …praise be to Allah
    The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds
    Most Gracious , Most Merciful
    Master of the day of judgement
    Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek
    Show us the straight way;
    The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace
    Those whose (portion) is not wrath
    And who go not astray...****
    Then the fifth screen
    Just under the fourth
    Suddenly turned on
    There were people in their stalls
    Looking at a man
    Standing right in front of them
    And as they were all praying:

    ...o God, hear our prayer.
    Grant us strength when we are tempted.
    Grant us courage when we are afraid.
    Guide us when we do not know what to do.
    Give us a cheerful heart when we are discouraged.
    Comfort us when life brings us sorrow.
    Help us to be persevering when things are difficult.
    May Your love and peace prevail so that nothing may take away our joy.
    In Jesus' name we pray...*****
    The title bar was schowing:
    St. Mary's of Zion church, Axum, Ethiopia, Africa, 9:55 Am
    And just under this one
    The sixth screen as by chance
    Switched its display on
    And there was a simple man
    Wearing little but at least
    Yet this time he was not a priest
    And as the title bar was saying:
    somewhere in Australia, 5.00 PM
    He was sitting on the ground and praying:
    ...great Spirit whose voice I hear in the winds.
    And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.
    I am a man before you, one of your many children.
    I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.
    And let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunsets.
    The lessons you have hidden under every leaf and rock.
    I seek strength, O my Creator, not to be superior to my brothers,
    But to be able to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
    Make me ready to return to you with clean hand and a straight eye,
    So that when life fades as the setting sun sets
    My spirit may come to you without shame...******
    Finally the last screen
    Right under the sixth
    Turned its display on
    Its title bar was saying:
    Chile, South America, 4:25 AM
    And there was a family
    Seated at the table praying
    Just before they had their meal:
    ...bless Thou, O Lord my God, Him Whom
    Thou hast set over Thy most excellent Titles,
    and through Whom Thou hast divided
    between the godly and the wicked,
    and graciously aid us to do what
    Thou lovest and desirest.  Bless Thou,
    moreover, O my God,
    them Who are Thy Words and Thy Letters,
    and them who have set their faces towards Thee,
    and turned unto Thy face, and hearkened to Thy Call.
    Thou art, truly, the Lord and King of all men, and art potent over all things. Bahá’u’lláh...*******
    Now the cluster made of words
    Coming out of all these screens
    Was producing sound
    Pleasant for my ears
    Yet there was something about it
    Hard for me to say...
    As if it was not fluent
    And so motivated by the words
    Sent from all these screens
    I added something on my own...
    The moment I began to pray
    To the Highest Power of the universe
    For my friends to return back and
    I could feel the instant change
    As not only the melody
    Of harmonic frequency
    Entered my ears suddenly
    But also I myself
    Returned to the place
    From which my journey



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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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