The Dark


The Dark

Being torn like a corspe through the teeth of a croc
Being devowered whole by a snake taking my percious life
It's a lifeless feeling with only tomorrow to see
Not once, but twice its over
Tolerance, trust, love, commitment, kindness is out the window
Cold hearted, having an ice box where my heart used to be, harden my heart is hte transformation, but why does it have to be like this?

Romanticing over ther relationships like Dwayne and Whitley
Having empty's "I Love You's" with a hollow soul
Stepping back from the human need of belongingness
I sit in a corner with my puppy and God
He said "What's meant for me, will only be for me."
Aretha said it best: "I Love You, I Need You, oh baby would you call me the moment you get there."

They say that forgiveness is the key to prosperity
You can't fly with baggage, but can you with an unconscious mind?
Can you be human without having strong emotions?
Sometimes the past comes back to remind us of "what if?"
Your destiny is never tied to someone that left said T.D. Jakes
Intrigue my mind by your values, education, and personality
I'm young with an old soul, that all it takes is one time
Life are lessons learned in repetition with individual growth

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HarverTomsson commented on The Dark


You need to find a more consonent community, look for a high demand church, not a voluntary association one. The men you are looking for will be worshipping there. And after church, there will be fellowship.... Great effort. Honest. Self-effacing. Hopeful. Starts dark, but ends in shining promise.



thank you.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Roslyn’s Poems (4)

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Multiple Stab Victims 1
Tug of War 0
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The Dark 1