The Chiseled Etching


Poem Commentary

I wrote this one many years ago, back in another day and time in my life which was vastly different than I live now... I seem to have always had this compelling need for a moral of some kind when I write... I read this again and see, not much has changed with that, only I write songs now and not many poems... Hope you enjoy this snippet from another time....

The Chiseled Etching

And, so it is written
And, so it be so
Here on the stone
Names in time go

Pay witness Ye now,
Your mark not forget
Bide life as you will
Your time here is set

This space that we have
To live here on earth
Is set forth in stone
The day of our birth

Tare not ye one moment
To lose with sad heart
It shan't be replaced
Let it be not a part

Find all strength inside
To shed forth ill will
And, covet the laughter
From each moment still

Inside each one of us
Is the chance to live good
Stand fast the challenge
The way that you should

Short is our life here
To live in love's throw's
Respect that your one chance
Is here now and goes

Lend all that you are
And, take to life's end
Cherished moments of love
With someone your friend

Open and willing
Do give of your heart
To they that you love
From this day you start

Reach to find bliss
Where ever you can
Every moment's but, once
Never live it again

Remember the stone
And, minutes of life set
Don't lose them forever
In wasted regret

The day of our reckoning
Will quickly be here
And, alongside our names
On the stone shall appear

The tale of our lives
And, moments we've spun
Giving love to each other
And, all other things done

All we can hope
Is the tally tells true
That our heart gave it's all
To love and good too

If times bid you tarry
In the realms of the dark
Remember a stone's etchings
Your time there is marked

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danmartyjake1 commented on The Chiseled Etching


Timeless words. Your style is eloquent and charming!

ginga commented on The Chiseled Etching


laydbak, I love this rhythm and rhyme that carries one's soul all the way through giving heed to a life well lived. marvelous. ginga

Hiporlacking commented on The Chiseled Etching


It's my 24th birthday today. This was a good poem for me to read. Thankyou.



Thanks Hip... Some things life are measurable, some not, but any way you look at it, how long we got here isn't flexible... Thanks again for the read...

orangepony commented on The Chiseled Etching


I do agree with dah,bueatiful is enought to be said. Thank you



Thank you Pony girl... Glad it didn't put you to sleep before the ending... lol...

Qualin commented on The Chiseled Etching


I think I have had the swine flu a friend took my picture and posted it



Silly man, you're in Kentucky and turning into a Razorback fan... lol

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

laydbak1’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Cowboy's Last Ride 12
The Storm 11
Eighteen Rush 16
The Chiseled Etching 10
The Black Screen 25
Queen of Denial 17
What Is A Poet 20
DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife 13
The Gift Of You 15
The Web Dream 15
Heart Coming Back 17