The Black Screen


Poem Commentary

Sometimes.... We can miss someone so much, there's just no way to get away from lonely...

The Black Screen

By D Jackson, 071209

The boisterous melody
The joyous dancing
The odd collection of characters
Affirming their camaraderies
Following their final victory
The closing minutes

I let the happy
Enchanting, antholic music
Play through in it’s entirety
At the highest volume
Of full, majestic
Surround sound
That I can command
From my system

I relish
In the gladness of it's presence
Glancing off wood paneled walls
Glorifying the always anticipated
Happy ending
Of Star Wars VI

It comes to me

I know this is the beginning
Of the end
Of the reality annulment
I’ve put off for the last 3 hours
Shamelessly indulging
All my fantasy senses

I click stop

Then eject

The room transforms into immediate silence
A single, 25 watt, long-life bulb from the lamp
Staves off the otherwise black of night outside
Trying to consume the inner world
Of my living room security

The sudden quiet
Almost deafening

Were it not
For the battle being waged
By the air-conditioner’s low humming
From the next room
This comfortable unassuring quietness
Would violently consume me
I stand there
Face to face
With the embodiment of solitude
Stealthily closing in by the second

I try hard to block it out
I cannot make my brain
Think about it

From every direction
Torents of suppressed memories
Begin diving in at me

I close my eyes
Put my hands over my ears

I must hurry from here
I could die

I quickly stalk
The well beaten
Dimly lit path
Through the various pieces of furniture
To the kitchen

The house blackens further
With each step
I didn’t bother
Turning on other lights
Before embedding my brain
Into the movie

As good as any
I guess

With well practiced precision
My nocturnal senses
For the door handle
I briefly enjoy
The small, piercing light
The surrounding darkness
Behind me

My bearings come back

Quickly I scan
The random collection of items
For something
That looks like
I might want it

The cool air feels nice
As a I rummage around
For nothing in particular

I can‘t help noticing
The one thing I want most
Is missing
It just isn’t there

I slowly close the door
Again returning
To the black
Deafening silence of the room

Suddenly I realize
How much easier
It is
Putting your face
On a black screen

Poem Comments


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danmartyjake1 commented on The Black Screen


Wow! This poem takes the reader inside your mind completely for the ride of your senses and expressions. Well Done!



thanks so much dmj... i think it would take a really closed mind to not be able to put yourself down into this scene and see what i was really writing about... glad you enjoyed it... doug

deedeemcgee commented on The Black Screen


This is great! It makes the reader (at least me) really feel the missing link and the lonliness within.



Thanks DeeDee... This was a slight diversion from what I usually write... Just tried to get another mind wrapped into the one in this short story...

Stardrift commented on The Black Screen


LSD or...? JOKING!! A spin on negative art attempting to reflect life...I think! One can only watch so many movies, and then what, write, lol. Many people are lonely together, better get used to oneself first. Your observation skills are as acute as anything nonoblique, lol. Trip write!!



Thanks SD... I think... lol... This piece is supposed to get you to reflect on yourself... It wasn't about the movie, the silence, or the refrigerator... lol... It was about putting off, missing someone...

jesusfreake commented on The Black Screen


Great this is great and full of sadness i must the worst times we remember the things we miss most and that hurt us the worst.....what a great poem and my comment might have been way off from what u were trying to get across, but thats what i thought u were trying to say (SORRY) lol anyway....super job! lol



Thanks Blu, though this one isn't pure poetry; more of a prose thing... Yes, it is sad, but I thought I was capturing a feeling of missing someone... Oh well... Thanks dear...

Tempestlady commented on The Black Screen


The best and worst company of all is just ourselves. I am comfortable with aloneness now. The silece is comforting somehow. They tell me this is healthy that i've conquered all my demons. I think sometmes I just got used to them. This poem touched me on a very personal level.



I appreciate your take on this one TL... Every writer's ultimate goal is get the reader involved, no matter what it is they're writing about... Apparently this one tickles a nerve in more people than I thought it would...

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

laydbak1’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Cowboy's Last Ride 12
The Storm 11
Eighteen Rush 16
The Chiseled Etching 10
The Black Screen 25
Queen of Denial 17
What Is A Poet 20
DJ 575 Haiku - The Knife 13
The Gift Of You 15
The Web Dream 15
Heart Coming Back 17