  • Lost Love



    It can be satisfying to believe that there is only one correct choice, and you may even be right. The facts usually can speak for themselves, and today is no exception.

    We hit the surface today, the words being spoken, minds racing, and thoughts clouding what we face to either be the end of something beautiful or the beginning of a new life.

    Feeling as though it might not be the Cinderella fairytale I’d always dreamed of as a little girl. Finding prince charming, finding ken, being a bride with a groom.

    So I reached up to the higher being Yahweh, Jesus, God to help me, guide me, deliver me, keep me, and let him see me, just me and not the ones from my past.

    The if’s challenge my mind and thoughts. Yet as I sit here thinking, I can’t let him go, I don’t want to be without him.

    Sad, sorry, stupid little girl it’s lust. but being with false promises will only lead to worse promises and broken dreams. the feeling to be without hurts as if the one you thought would never give up and leave you just did.

    As if life were a series of movies, when will I ever snap out and realize that he is that one being that will either make or break me even after the struggle.

    It seems like there can be no life without him. at one point I could see a painting of what our life could be then as if the world could feel your happiness it confiscates it back.

    The disillusionment of forever gets cut shorter and shorter every breathe we take, every time we become of the materialistic world and not of the person we were put here to be.

    Will I be a survivor or will I become a drone to the likes and livelihood of the world. Will it be Darwin’s survival of the fittest or will it be the wizard of oz?

    Only time will tell. Just take it slow and see where it goes. But the question remains will we be a survivor?

    Deja A. Charles

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    lookout commented on SURVIVOR


    Wow that was beautifully written. I felt the line "the disillusionment of forever gets cut shorter". I myself feel that way at times. I have to remind myself God made me for a purpose so I gotta keep going and surviving to give me the chance to fulfill that purpose. Thank you for sharing "survivor"

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    DALYSSE822’s Poems (5)

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