Stupid guys like you


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    Stupid guys like you

    Stupid guys like you arent worth my time.
    you just play too many games.
    you say you love me.
    you say im your everything.
    but all you do is tare up my heart.
    i know you lie to my face because i hear your voice trembling.
    I have been through this and stupid guys like you shouldint be
    with a smart girl like me.

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    Phission commented on Stupid guys like you


    bravo....i love when women stand up for themselves and not take crap from "guys" who really aren't woth their time.

    christliked commented on Stupid guys like you


    Men always tell on themselves just ask them what are they going to do and when and also why is it that they want to do it and somewhere in those answers they will spill the beans.

    stephenmichael commented on Stupid guys like you


    Very nice...expand your thoughts and add more feelings and you will be on your way...

    akayakar commented on Stupid guys like you


    You've got a lot to learn! It's a two way street!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Amela91’s Poems (32)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Two hearts 3
    Dreaming of you 0
    Where is the girl 2
    Stupid guys like you 4
    what i know 0
    chase your dreams 3
    I have been missing you 0
    Your amazing 0
    Your love 0
    Together again 0
    Never thought 0
    Back to the beginning 0
    Too late 0
    why is that 0
    My first love 0
    The feeling 1
    This guy 0
    i love you so much 1
    To have strength in life 0
    I know 1
    Loss of friendship 1
    Do we love each other? 0
    Friends 0
    Love 0
    In my dreams 1
    Far Away 0
    My World 1
    Always 0
    Together Forever 0
    Everytime 1
    im sorry 1
    In my heart 2