

  • Friendship


    Friends are life
    through good and bad
    it will always hurt when you get them mad
    they will be there for you wherever you are
    you will love them how they are
    no matter how bad they are gonna be
    you cant live without them
    you will never forget their loving hearts that cared for you through each day. you will see them when they grow up or graduate from high school
    it is hard to find one sometimes but find one that at least cares about you.
    they will be in your mind forever like a memory.
    there is one memory that is true:
    "friends can never be forgotten"

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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Amela91’s Poems (32)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Two hearts 3
    Dreaming of you 0
    Where is the girl 2
    Stupid guys like you 4
    what i know 0
    chase your dreams 3
    I have been missing you 0
    Your amazing 0
    Your love 0
    Together again 0
    Never thought 0
    Back to the beginning 0
    Too late 0
    why is that 0
    My first love 0
    The feeling 1
    This guy 0
    i love you so much 1
    To have strength in life 0
    I know 1
    Loss of friendship 1
    Do we love each other? 0
    Friends 0
    Love 0
    In my dreams 1
    Far Away 0
    My World 1
    Always 0
    Together Forever 0
    Everytime 1
    im sorry 1
    In my heart 2