Starry night


Poem Commentary

P.s. i kow its rubbish lol but its a starter so im gonna continue to get a few idea's and get idea's from my dad so give me your ide's

Starry night

Starry night

Starry nights are the best of them all they bring the moon out,

If you see a shooting star your in for a treat tonight,

The moon can be different colours red gold and blue,

with a telescope you can see high all of the moons in the sky.

By chloe joanne trapp

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gallaxy commented on Starry night


Not bad for a starter, and your only eleven. Add things like the stars consuldation like the big dipper and others. check ur enclyopedias on that and the solar ststem, the sun and planets. read up. Im sure ideas will come. And good luck in ur poetry, Im sure ur be good at it. I'll be lookin in from time to time see how ur doin...... (:



Thankyou so much :-)

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Cloarkell’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Theres Always Hope 1
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Starry night 1