

Poem Commentary

I edited this poem, But this is basically how others make me, And so many more people suffer. People start hurting themselves over it, And very rarely kill themselves, They say 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' This is not true. Words eat away at you and leave you as just a shell, not knowing what to do, The words will haunt us for the rest of our lives, Them spiteful kids will never regret, but we must not give up as just around the corner is someone who can and WILL help. xx


As I make my way to school each day,
To see the girls who break my soul,
I wish I could tell the bullies in my school,
Can you be kind and not so cruel?

And it starts and lasts all day,
I cannot stand it, go away
Just close your eyes and you will see.
All the memories that you have engraved in me.

I'm not your pity either for you to be my friend
Give me a chance so you can see
There is nothing strange about me
That you have not let them see
Will this ever end?
I feel so empty time to time inside me
Sooner or later I'll break down and cry.

I let the darkness fill the room
I can't get out of it, I can't resume.
I feel so alone like a story that's never been told
I feel so alone like a sparrow in the sky
Like a bird who cannot fly.

I am lucky to have a family like mine
Who understand me and feel pride
Otherwise my world would be dark
With every unpleasant memories
That is left inside.

As I get up in the morning
To prepare myself for school
My body and my mind,
Start to get scared and
My life felt very dark inside
I can't take it any longer

As I started to share my pain with my mum
I didn't know how to explain to her
It all came out with tears and a broken heart

She couldn't comprehend as I hid it for a while
I showed her every day I was a happy child
Nobody will understand that bullying can make such harm
I ask myself everyday what wrong have I done?

Why bullies don't take a day in my shoes
To feel the unpleasantness to feel unwanted
To understand how much damage they have done,
To feel just a little of what they do to me everyday.

Alexandria Gravis 

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Cloarkell’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
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