


Blinding vision, the misery increases

Scars embedded deep within

Fury burns the flesh singeing

To the third degree

Unavoidable tyranny and malice

Scorches the innocence

Leaving a gray dust of ash…

The burnt sacrifices of the day.

Showers pour down to cleanse the carnage

Leaving a monotone backdrop to intensify

The solemn consequence of a paternal dictatorship

Nowhere to hide, cowering amongst the debris

Left behind in your salacious rant

Those same rains that cleared your conscience

Failed to reach me, as I stand here stained.

Unsure of whether you do not see or choose not to...

The insurmountable damage caused by such recklessness

Amazing how easily you forget

Terrified even to this day to get too close

Fearing judgement from hypocritical eyes

Preaching to me, yet your guilt of an even worse

Offense shines through so transparently.


Poem Comments


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kkirkwood commented on Stained


some times life can be cruel but in the end if you know who your are the other person the one who has the problem. enjoyed

redbloodink commented on Stained


nice write... yes people can be hypocritical.... in Judgment.... The forget the word says judge lest you be judged with the same measure...... nice flow...... red

kage commented on Stained


good poetry very good , the words flow well together and it is easy to understand. i can see and feel what you are saying

MalikPeterson commented on Stained


This is very deep from an emotional standpoint and very vivid within the realm of imagery. It is very well written and I am sure it was hard to write on this topic if I have understood correctly what it is about. It takes a certain amount of bravery to share such events...but must be liberating to be able to express it so expertly. Thank you for sharing this...and may you be strong through whatever you must endure in this life.



Thank you...yes it is about my father...who's now very estranged from me.

Charlie23 commented on Stained


This is very well written! Brought memories to mind where I could relate to this poem!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

BrielleC’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Stained 6
Black Kettle 4
Easter Lily 1
My Cup Overfloweth 1
Life Before You 3
Forword... 1