Black Kettle


Black Kettle

Step outside yourself so that you

Realize how ridiculous you sound

Gloating while trampling on others dreams

Spitting out incomprehensible mutterings

So that you can feel accomplished within.

Can’t you hear yourself mumbling such asinine crap?

Unintelligible, ignorant, incessant rambling…wait….

You’re talking and can’t seem to shut up.

How about if I assist you…

Should a gag order be put in place?

For whatever reason you relish in other’s sorrow

Supposedly thanking God, it’s not your own.

Wipe that freakish grin off your face

Once again you’ve come full circle

And have allowed your self the honor

To appear as an insufferable ass.

Thankfully this time, I shall revel in the glory

Suffice it to say, I obviously recount the last laugh.


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dahlusion commented on Black Kettle


"For whatever reason you relish in other’s sorrow Supposedly thanking God, it’s not your own Wipe that freakish grin off your face" — nothing like both barrels form the hip tell-it-like-it-is with a lyrical ceaselessness that hungers for readers. Not one word is misplaced, nor can you refuse the sentences they form. Bravo!!



Thank you!!!So glad it is appreciated!!

redbloodink commented on Black Kettle


I can say... to laugh at others time of misery can become your own... I laugh at no-one... just at the things that happen to me... a laugh at my sarrow and pain.... I have victory in Christ....... red



Awesome comment! While I cant relate to you in that way, I can understand.

MalikPeterson commented on Black Kettle


SHOTS FIRED!!!! lol. This is a good angry piece right here. Your annoyance is so prevalent and it lends such flavor and passion to this one. I can just see you laying the verbal wood to whoever this person is and can picture their downfall and humiliation.I am sure you deserve the last laugh. May the kudos be with you(that is my trademarked can use it if you like...just give me my credit lol) Cheers!!!



LOL thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed this piece as it is def about someone that has pretended to be a friend but not really

BadBadBear commented on Black Kettle


Your fine writing is so there .. in your face towards this person that could have easily caused hate. Familiar with your work, i've to say there's not a hateful bone in your body. You've overcome even before your last laugh. Great write!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

BrielleC’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
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Black Kettle 4
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