Spiritual Desire


  • Spiritual

    Spiritual Desire

    Spiritual vision in the night,
    My soul took on a spiritual flight.
    Now my soul has a yearning desire,
    To be filled with the Holyghost fire.
    Yearning soul with all it's might,
    Absorbing his power til he faded out of sight.
    His Mighty return my soul doth crave,
    As he calls the dead shall rise from the grave,
    My soul yearns his coming in all his power and glory,
    To spend eternity with him world ended non-fiction story.
    To see him as he is and always be filled with his Holyghost fire,
    Eternity with Christ is my spiritual desire.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    BarbaraBlevins’s Poems (12)

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