Spirit Of Prophecy Is: The Testimony Of Jesus


  • Religion

    Spirit Of Prophecy Is: The Testimony Of Jesus

    I'm dead to the world, alive in Christ,I yearn for eternity,
    World honor not for me, I want New Jerusalem,to live as royalty.
    My God chose me and anointed me at age nine with prophecy,
    I didn't understand the gift, I was frightened of what I'd see.
    My God would reveal visions and dreams, and they came true,
    I couldn't imagine, God was preparing me for works of him to do,
    I have interpretation like Daniel, God reveals mysteries,
    He leads me in spirit & truth and fills me with his testimonies.
    God pulls my spirit upon a mountain, a voice so powerful & strong
    He tells me of false worshiping, he teaches me right from wrong.
    That's how he taught me of the false image, men worship today,
    I had images, until God taught me in spirit of them that day.
    I gathered the images and God told me to give them to a man,
    He said to give them with the message he gave on the mountain.
    I took all to his house with message, & scriptures printed out,
    Time past, nothing happened, satan attacked my mind with doubt,
    I said Lord I done what you said to do and men are persecuting me
    The next morning I went to pay bills in my mirror I did see.
    The man's store full of images burnt the only remains, a cross,
    The preacher repaired his store with images, oh what a loss.
    I pray God open his eyes,he's leading your children astray,
    His Church has painted images, God speedily open his eyes I pray.
    He's in carnal mind, instead of God's spirit,
    He couldn't comprehend the message, he couldn't see or hear it.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    BarbaraBlevins’s Poems (12)

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