Spirit Wispers


Spirit Wispers



In the hood is chaos, Darkness of the soul.

Chasing after dreams, Doing what they are told.

It’s only in your hands, Forget about your soul.

Reality is here, It's only what ya hold.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

With all the voices yelling, Spirit you can’t hear.


Chasing after dollars, Pressing stacks to bricks.

Feeding others hungers, Sometimes feels so sick.

Ganken all the custo’s, Even turning trick.

It’s drying up your spirit, Sucking like a wick.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

All the schemes are rushing, Spirit you can’t hear.


Spirit don’t buy lunch, Won’t keep on the heat.

So you keep on trucking, Even though you’re beat.

Your baby’s in bed crying, Lying at your feet.

You gotta do something, Baby’s gotta eat.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

Baby’s steady crying, Spirit can’t you hear.


You’re chasing white man’s dreams, Corporate got no soul.

Holding all the dollars, Still won’t make you whole.

Weakly feel your spirit, Looking dark as coal.

Sampling the weed, cover up the hole.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

Aching in your heart, Spirit can’t you hear.


Peaceful in your soul, You know that’s what you chase.

In the corporate way, In the money race.

Mistrust all your friends, Who will take your place.

You know that’s all that matters, In the money race.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

You’re so busy watching, Spirit you don’t hear.


Trapping, tricking, tripping, You know it’s all the same.

When the game is over, All that’s left is pain.

If two be all you maken, this ain't the way to fame.

Wonder why you’re playing, It ain’t even sane.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

Feeling all the pain, Spirit you don’t hear.


Blazing through the weed, Artificial need.

Pop another colla, Reckless you don’t heed.

Good food, sleep and rest, Slowing down your speed.

Hear your body tell ya, this is what ya need.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

You’re so busy blazing, Spirit don’t you hear.


When it comes to recon, Counting up the cost.

Spirit stands there waiting, Counting all you’ve lost.

Your spirit stands there naked, Covered up with frost.

As you finally see, All that you have lost.


Spirit whispers wisdom, Softly in your ear.

Now that life is over, Finally you hear.













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Charlie23 commented on Spirit Wispers


This is great poem! Sometimes it's easier to hear than to follow I think. Great Write!

BDIsernhagen commented on Spirit Wispers


I really like what you did in the stanza with the baby and the spirit, with the two struggles juxtaposed. I look forward to reading more, if they're like this!



Thank you for the kind encouragement. Meny people have lost their way, and this poem is written for them, to check what is of real value.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Blackowl’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
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