Addicted to the Game


  • Philosophy

    Addicted to the Game

    Addicted to the game, High off the rush.
    Followin the trails, Turns your brain to mush.

    Looking for the deal, Makes ya feel so high.
    Runnin in the races, Lost your sense of why.
    Weary to the bone, Sometimes ya wanta cry.
    The only way ya know, Keep runnin, trap or die.

    Don’t worry bout the future, Ya know it ain’t here yet.
    Burnin off your youth, Like a fighter jet.
    Traden all ya got, How little you will get.
    Givin away treasures, You even don’t see yet.

    The peaceful way of spirit, I see you don’t know.
    You are far too busy, Runnin to and fro.
    First ya get the work, Then ya find the custo.
    Watchin for the hooks, Careful of the undo.

    Yo baby got no family, The time ain’t even so.
    Though there is a village, How are they to know.
    Ya trappin undercover, Trickin on the road.
    Where this story ends, I even think you know.

    This story’s about, the circle of life.
    Seasons of peace, And seasons of strife.

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    Charlie23 commented on Addicted to the Game


    This is an interesting write! As I read through it, kinda think it would be a cool song!

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Blackowl’s Poems (3)

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    Vetrens Honor 2
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