Spark the Heart


Spark the Heart

Spark the heart…

Open the circuit and

Bathe in its luxurious blood current.

Relax. Rejuvinate.

Lubricate the flow pumps

Soaking subways with

rivers rushing of richest gold

cresting in thunderous glore


The Elixer of life

come to heal all wounds,

composing sonata’s of fascia tapestries,

weaving compassion under-tones over melody’s silouette.

score it forgiveness.


Awake the art in you.



Astride passion boats red.

Assume the helm,

channeling passageways of nature’s best.

Your mission:                              Refuel every station en route.

Primary objective:                       

Stimulate Productivity,

fostering an exchange of information

 and boosting morale

Secondary objective:

engage all enemies

assume extreme prejudice

lethal force suggested


To comply,




Allow the gusts to fill your sails

and cast off.

Adventure awates.



Snaring oxy moly’s

in jelly fish nets,

holding fuel captive

for the big show.


Another Beat.




Surge forth, reliable purpose!

advance, sure-footed


surrender to no thing


take no prisoners,

keeper’s of the past

questing to last

amongst the ash

of the masses.


Be ye transformed

Relax   Relate   Release



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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

propheteye’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Storekeeper 0
Ere de Plantagenet 0
Spark the Heart 0
A Father's Lament 1