A Father's Lament


A Father's Lament

It was to be the time of my life

but no wife

equals no rights

in this paternal fight the parental guide

left me outside to weather the stormy ride


do the right thing

pay your way

they say


maybe then you’ll be respected

not a father rejected

fatherhood neglected


when I just want to play

paddy-cake and make-believe

listen in awe to invisible things

dream the dark clouds away


yes, my child

mommy says I can stay

if only for an hour

no, not today


stereotypes convince

condense and convict

shaping conflicts


irregardless of truth

irrespective of sense..


..and sensibilities fade over time

..and your word supercedes mine

..and I suffer the time

for a crime that’s not mine


but the child is..

the child is..


who suffers the most when

approached with a host of goodbye’s

and father-less why’s


generations wither and die inside

the heart shrivels

blood loss more evident now

in the present



lost sons and daughters become


while the world ridicule’s the individual


condemned to flat notes and muted chords

a new tune

call it dead beat


because money is more important

than time

..and as interaction declines

the relationship’s strained

..and in time

I become a stranger to a child

that is mine


an imposter of kinds

the variable in an otherwise constant equation

where balance is assumed but

energy wasted


the birth place of hatred

for authority

pretty soon they will abhor you


much like you ignore me

as I march

to that dead beat






do not deny me life’s greatest event

the curse must end


I rehearsed the thoughts yet

u contend the delivery

and I rage against the propagated theory

of tender years

and maternal instinct vs ability


when the truth is

a child must have both

u and I

to be complete

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Arizona commented on A Father's Lament


I absolutely loved the flow of this piece. I also could feel the em0tions throughout. The is beautiful.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

propheteye’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
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A Father's Lament 1